In a recent sermon in the book of Daniel, we talked a bit about globalism. I also sent through email to the church family some great links to biblical teaching on globalism (if you didn’t get those and would like them, let me know). In the beginning and ideal plan of God, mankind was positioned to rule over God’s creation as his theocratic administrator (Gen. 1-2). However, ever since the fall of man into sin (Gen. 3), God has subdued globalism and promoted nationalism. Nations provide a check and balance on other nations and keep one or very few sinful men from obtaining all power. This is why he destroyed the tower of Babel in Genesis 11. As they say, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This will be most apparent in the future global government under Anti-Christ during the Great Tribulation. People will worship him or face sanctions & martyrdom.
One of the clearest tactics that globalists are using today to push their agenda and, knowingly or unknowingly prepare the world for Anti-Christ, is global warming. In recent years, the favored the term is “climate change”. Given this push, we should ask, “Does the Bibel say anything about this? Do I have to fear climate change?” In brief, Genesis 8:22 has the answer, when after the global flood God made this promise to Noah’s family: “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” While there have always been variations in the climate and temperature throughout history, we should never be alarmed if we take God’s Word over man’s word. God promised that the seasons, including cold and winter, would never cease. I know, bad news if you don’t like winter! But number 1) let’s remember we have no need to fear. God is in control. 2) We should expect globalists to exaggerate and use any climactic variation data that supports their political agenda for power and control. And 3) this world will not end due to global warming or a colossal asteroid or anything like you see on tv. Jesus is coming back to this earth and therefore we have hope. Seasons will never cease! Looking for those spring daffodils to bloom, Pastor Justin
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