The CBC missions team invites you to join us for our Missions “In Real Life” conference! You may have seen the abbreviation IRL (“in real life”) in different places. This is a slang term used to talk about the real world, in contrast to the world of the internet, or some other virtual or cyber world like AI (artificial intelligence). "IRL” could take on added meaning in the future, as distinctions between physical and cyber worlds continue to blur and blend.
So often what we see on social media doesn't line up with what is happening IRL. When it comes to missions, we tend to do the same. We glorify missions and make superheroes out of missionaries and their greatest accomplishments. We see them as these super-spiritual, powerful Christians who have everything together, leaving the "average" person in the pew filled with doubt about how God could use them. Missionaries know nothing is further from the truth! We are all broken and weak vessels that the Lord chooses to use. He uses our human weaknesses! That being said, this missions conference to be about the "real life" of missions. It's about taking the masks off and being authentic and transparent with what it's really like to be a missionary--the challenges they face and the weaknesses they’ve discovered--but also the way that God has shown up and worked through those things. The theme verse is 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." 2 Corinthians 4 is an encouraging chapter to read to prepare your heart for this conference. Missionaries joining us for this conference include:
Please join us on Sunday, October 27 for the following events:
If you’re interested in joining our dinner with the missionaries the night before (Saturday, October 26 at 5:30pm), please let someone on the missions team know. We are looking forward to seeing you there! God bless, The Chadron Bible Church missions team
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November 2024