Ever since my family moved out by the state park, I’ve been driving by a neat rock formation with a hole in it and that I’ve been wanting to get a closer look at. Recently, we made that happen. I strapped the baby to my back and we hiked to it. We had a great time outdoors enjoying unique scenery, the wildlife, and the amazing views from up there. It was certainly a moment to remember!
This last Sunday, we studied the omnipotence of God and like Romans 1:20 says, it’s through creation that we come to know much about this attribute of His. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” What this verse explains is that we are so surrounded by evidence for God through the complexity of creation that it’s obvious there is an eternal Creator. We see God’s power at work in creation to give life and to maintain life. His faithfulness is seen in every sunrise. We are reminded of His infinitude as we contemplate the endless universe and innumerable stars! Creation is such a powerful witness that no one will be able to stand before Him and say, “I didn’t know there was a God!” It’s too obvious, and creation too magnificent! Which makes me question, “When was the last time you got out and enjoyed God’s magnificent creation? When was the last time it left you in wonder of who God is?” I heard recently that by the time we are 40 years old, we lose 98% of the wonder and creativity we had when we were 5. We lose our desire for adventure and mystery and discovery. I don’t know when that statistic was taken or how they came to that conclusion, but we don’t have any reason to doubt it! In fact, in today’s technological age when the average person spends 7.5 hours a day in front of a screen, adding up to 115 days out of the year, age 40 seems like a stretch! Younger and younger, kids are finding themselves glued to their electronic devices and less to creative wonder. This December, and especially during Christmas (when we are longing for sweet moments together more than ever!), turn off the devices and make memories that last. You probably won’t remember an afternoon in front of the tv, but you might remember throwing rocks down the steepest hill with your kids just to see how far they tumble! Or driving out to the middle of nowhere to watch for shooting stars! Praying you enjoy a Merry Christmas, Pastor Justin
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