You can find an audio version of this blog at: The core value we are highlighting for the month of March is sensitivity. What do we mean by sensitivity? We mean an awareness of, or sensible response to, the Lord’s promptings and leading in our lives. (1 Cor. 12:12; Gal. 5:25; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18; 1 Pet. 5:1-5). As individuals and as a church family, it’s important that we have an awareness of the direction that God is leading us and that He is with us in our endeavors. If we’re going to be attuned to the Lord and His leading in our lives, we must first have the Spirit of God dwelling in us to begin with. In 1 Corinthians 2:12-15, Paul shares about how the Spirit of God enables us to understand the things of God and the Word of God. Therefore, without the Spirit of God, we are natural men and not spiritual men. Natural men, who have not been born of the Spirit of God through faith in Christ, cannot grasp the spiritual things of God. So the Spirit of God is required to connect with God on His frequency and have a relationship with Him. This only happens when we place our faith in Jesus Christ and are born again spiritually speaking by the Spirit of God. Beyond receiving the Spirit of God, we need to "walk" with Him. Galatians 5:25 has always reminded me of a sensitive or receptive walk with God. Paul says, If we live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit. When you go on a walk with someone, technically you’re only “with” them if you are beside them or close to them, often talking with them. If you are too far ahead of them or behind them, you are not really “with” them. Simple enough, right? The sensitive believer desires not to get ahead of God or to fail to respond to His promptings altogether, lagging behind God. Because of that, I like the way the ESV and NLT translate this verse. ESV: If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. NLT: Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. How do I know if I’m keeping in step with the Spirit? Following His leading in our lives? Paul says the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in our lives (Gal. 5:16-26). Most people, however, want to know God’s personal will for their lives: How do I know if I should move to that town? Take another job? Marry this individual? Enter this ministry? I’ve been a follower of Christ long enough to admit that there is mystery involved in answering these personal questions and I’ve often been comforted by the missionary journeys of Paul. Even the Apostle Paul wrestled with the direction that the Spirit of God was leading him at times. Sometimes Paul was told exactly where to go and what to do. Sometimes he had no clue (!) and had to wait on God’s response. Sometimes he wanted to go one way and the Spirit of God said, “No.” Other times the Spirit clearly said, “Yes,” and he experienced great opposition! Sometimes he stayed longer in places that were insignificant and stayed a short time in significant places. So how did he know where to go and what to do? There simply is no pat answer because there was no pattern! You can’t calculate something that requires a living relationship. Some of it is simply an adventure with God! That being said, I do want to leave us with few practical steps to discerning God’s personal will for our lives: 1) If we want to know His personal will for our lives, we need to apply the clearly revealed general will of His written Word. His personal will will never violate His written will; 2) Praying and asking; 3) Seeking God through His Word; 4) Inquire wisdom from other mature believers in the body of Christ; ask them, “Is this wise?” 5) then pursuing it further and testing the waters. More than once a person has asked me, “How long do you plan to stay at Chadron Berean?” I always respond with, “I don’t plan on going anywhere. If God called me to live out the rest of my days in Chadron, I would be content with that. However, I always try to remain sensitive to the Lord’s leading. I never want to presume this is where I’ll always be.” In fact, in the past, when presented with opportunities to go elsewhere, I’ve prayed and I believe I was prompted to stay. But the only way you or I will know the answer to personal questions is through a real, living relationship with Him. So, should you take a chance and step out into that job or ministry that you think the Lord is leading you to do? That’s between you and the Lord. That may not be the answer you wanted, but I would give a note of encouragement: flourish or fail, grace is there like a net is there to catch the trapeze artist. You will learn from each fall and will get better. Proverbs 24:16, "For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again." Praying that we will remain spiritually attuned to the Lord's direction in our lives,
Pastor Justin
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