At the Connect 2020 conference this year, we were blessed to sit under the teaching of Sonscape Ministries president and previously Mitchell Berean's pastor, Giles Armstrong. He taught through many of the Scriptures concerning the life of Elijah. Here are some of the nuggets of truth I wrote down:
QUOTES: (beginning with my favorite) - “Sometimes the only reason the grass is greener on the other side is because it’s growing over a septic tank.” - “Stop moaning about millennials and start mentoring them.” - “If you don’t come apart for a while, you’ll come apart in a while.” - “In failing to make a decision, we make a decision.” - “Fear hobbles you.” - “It’s easier to hide a dent in your soul than a dent in your car.” - “Be less concerned about reputation and more concerned about character because one is who people say you are and one is who you really are.” - “Beware of the disease to please.” - “How many Ishmael’s have I birthed because I wasn’t willing to wait on God?” CONTRASTS: - Character or career & cars? - Live for money or live for God’s glory? - Obey or delay? - Resist or repent? - Programs or prayer? - Buildings or Bible? - Serving sorrow or serving the Savior? - Childlike or childish? - Pouting or praising? - Moaning or mentoring? - Worry or wonder? - My wants or His will? - Fear or faith? - Groaning or growing? I hope you enjoy these and they minister to you as they have been to me. The greatest takeaway however, is found right there in the title of conference - Connect. The best part of Connect is connecting with other brothers and sisters in Christ throughout our fellowship, get to know them personally and develop relationships. Each time I leave a Berean conference, I leave with a greater and restored sense of mission and how we are all in this mission together to make disciples to reach the world for Christ! Pastor Justin
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